Ina Garten Posted Her Cooking Playlist And It’s Straight Fire
Listen up!
Ina Garten. The Barefoot Contessa. The Queen of Food Network, the Hamptons, and good vanilla. The cooking professional has graced our kitchen with her TV show and cookbooks for decades, but recently, she found another way into our hearts: her newest cooking playlist. The playlist, which is available on Spotify and Apple Music, is titled “Women Who Rock,” and damn, Ina, you really covered every base. It starts strong with Shania Twain’s “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!” and from there, spans from Whitney Houston to Patti Smith. Contemporary pop lovers can enjoy some Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift, or you could kick it old school with some Blondie or Fleetwood Mac. Just like her cooking, Ina’s playlist offers a little bit of everything for everyone. All that’s missing is a pound of butter.
“The first thing I do when I start cooking is crank up the tunes – it really gets my creative juices flowing!” Ina Garten shared on her Barefoot Contessa blog. “[The playlist] is a compilation of lots of my favorite songs by female artists. I hope you love it!”
These female-empowering bops might just have inspired us to whip up something special for dinner tonight. (Or, if I’m being honest, just pasta again.) We always knew the Barefoot Contessa had impeccable taste, but now it’s confirmed in more ways than one. We can only wait for her follow-up mixtape to drop.
Listen to Ina’s “Women Who Rock” playlist here: