Stella Maxwell Opens Up About Her Isolation

V talks to the supermodel along with photographs of her that induce a solitary feeling.

While talking with V, supermodel Stella Maxwell tells of her life in isolation; what she misses most, the things she’s doing to help, and how she’s yearning to get back to her jet-set life.

Head below for the conversation with Maxwell, alongside the isolated-feeling photos of her taken by Rowan Papier pre-quarantine.

V Magazine How did the onset of this year’s public health crisis change your outlook on life and work?

Stella Maxwell I think this has changed everyones outlook on life. Really one can not help but be reminded of the fragile nature of our existence. I have certainly been reminded that we should appreciate every moment we have both with others and our own self. To appreciate the liberties we sometimes take for granted.

What have you learned, and what do you think people can learn, while in solitude and practicing social distance?

SM I have learned number one how much I love spending time with my friends and family and I am so looking forward to those moments again.

Many people are reevaluating travel plans… if you were to be in one place for most of the summer, where would that be?

SM I love being home in Los Angeles so I have no complaints about being here for the summer. I really travel for work. And I miss working so much. I love modeling and love my friends who I work with. But I am okay to stay home and let us as a world get back on track.

The public health climate has shaped many peoples’ reading and viewing habits, what are some reading or viewing materials you’ve sought out in this time?

SM I read a lot. I love books. I am currently reading The Sixth Extinction which talks about the future of the world. I recommend it. I have also of course been reading news. As far as viewing, I have caught up on a lot of quality programing like reruns of Friends etc. Haha. But I have also watched a lot of amazing documentaries.

How have you “given back” in light of the public health climate? Small gestures and broader community service acts are all fair game! How are you planning to give back this summer?

SM I donated medical supplies to local doctors and also to people who were lacking. I also did a few charity projects within the fashion world. I of course am always looking for ways to give back and really think its important to do so.

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