A New Crop of Models Discusses What’s New and What’s Now
Discover what the future holds from these few fresh faces.
Tapping the emerging models of our Spring collections editorial from the V117 Discovery Issue, we conceive of what to expect from these fresh faces and the modeling industry as a whole.

David Yang – HEROES
How did you get your start modeling?
I was scouted in Paris on my semester abroad.
What’s your dream booking or gig?
I would love to shoot with Ryan McGinley and exist in one of his dreamscapes.
One thing you hope to see change in the industry?
It would be great to see the conversation surrounding diversity move beyond that of just race and to celebrate beauty of all ages, all colours and all identities.

Aaliyah – MUSE NYC
What’s new? What’s now?
Breaks from instagram. Exploration in every aspect of life – philosophy, astrology, literature, artists and galleries – identity.
How did you get your start modeling?
I’ve ALWAYS had an interest in art and fashion. After wanting to be a professional tennis player (don’t ask), I was 5 or 6 when I decided I wanted to be a fashion designer. In 7th grade I would make random couture powerpoint presentations that no one would ever see. By the time I was 18, studying animation at university in the UK, I was loving my course but for the first time in my life, I found the classes challenging. Inevitably I asked myself, should I focus my energy elsewhere (and not wasting my mom’s money 😉 I had encouragement from the people back home in Cayman to pursue modeling, which I had never taken seriously, but I realized this was the perfect outlet for me to explore.
I took two headshots and a train to London. Walked in with my heels to the agency I had my eyes set on. We fell in love with each other, and the rest is history. It’s truly amazing because I still get to express myself in an artistic way and learn about fashion from literally the most qualified on the planet.
What’s your dream booking or gig?
I think it would be amazing to have a shoot on my island. While we’re dreaming, throw Rihanna in there for the cherry on top. Island gyals unite.
One thing you hope to see change in the industry?
Models genuinely supporting each other. there’s so many cool girls out here but I feel like we’ve all been through a lot and it’s hard for us to show vulnerability.

Manami – MUSE NYC
What’s new? What’s now?
My hair is getting longer now!I used to have a shaved head so everyone is so surprised about my hair grow super fast!
How did you get your start modeling?
The casting director send me an message from Instagram that Photographer Harley Weir want to shoot me !
What’s your dream booking or gig?
Every booking I get to do is a dream come true for me.
One thing you hope to see change in the industry?