Ari Bernstein Talks About His Passion for Supercars

T​here is nothing quite like a fulfilling experience of driving an exotic car. From Ferraris to Lamborghinis, supercars exude a specific kind of luxury attainable by a very few. These cars are not only exceptional on the road but incredibly special to their owners. For the most part, it takes a true enthusiast to own…

T​here is nothing quite like a fulfilling experience of driving an exotic car. From Ferraris to Lamborghinis, supercars exude a specific kind of luxury attainable by a very few. These cars are not only exceptional on the road but incredibly special to their owners. For the most part, it takes a true enthusiast to own such cars, and Ari Bernstein has an unrivaled love and passion for supercars.

A​ native of New York and a prominent member of Long Island Society Ari shares, “Exotic cars have always been a passion of mine, especially Ferraris. They represent ingenuity and design in ways that supersede most luxury items.” 

The Italian sports car caught his eye at a young age, and it is a car he has always coveted. “Ferraris are what dreams are made of,” says Ari. “When you see one on the road, you know exactly what you are looking at. There is nothing like a Ferrari.” Ari explains that their design, combined with their technology, is what makes them the end-all of all supercars. “Ferraris are sleek. They are simply the best. There is no doubt about that,” states Ari.

E​xotic cars represent a lifestyle, one that Ari is very much living in New York and beyond with his beautiful family and successful career. “It’s not that cars define success for me. They complement it,” explains Ari. “I truly enjoy sharing the things I love with others, and there is no greater joy than riding in my convertible, enjoying Long Island summers with my family.”

A​ri gives followers a glimpse into his life on his Instagram @aribernsteinmd. Whether it’s advice, motivational content, travel, or cars, Ari loves sharing his enthusiasm for the good things in life. “It was a long road to success, and I am proud of it. I want to set an example and show others that you can achieve anything you put your mind to,” says Ari. “The exotic cars, the luxury, those are just the perks of hard work.” Living his best life and living it to the fullest, Ari continues to collect all the good things life has to offer. 

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