Beyonce and Jay Z Leverage Veganism for Free Concert Tickets
Here’s a contest you don’t want to miss!
Our reigning Queen Bee, Beyonce, and her First Man, Jay Z, have just announced the opportunity to win free concert tickets for LIFE, but there is a catch: The winner must adopt a vegan diet as part of “The Greenprint” project. The aim of said project is to inform and encourage people to reduce their environmental footprint by eating more plant-based meals.
The project was originated by Marco Borges, who is actually Beyonce’s personal trainer. Beyonce claims that she relied on veganism to prep for her iconic Coachella performance a while back, too. Borges published his book ‘The Greenprint’ in December, which detailed a very particular exercise plan centered around a plant-based diet.
Scientific studies have proven that reducing meat and dairy in our diets is the best way to reduce one’s carbon footprint, thus creating a better and safer future for the coming generations. “Having children has changed our lives more than anything else,” the concerned couple wrote. “We used to think of health as a diet—some worked for us, some didn’t. Once we looked at health as the truth, instead of a diet, it became a mission for us to share that truth and lifestyle with as many people as possible. We all have a responsibility to stand up for our health and the health of the planet. Let’s take this stand together. Let’s spread the truth. Let’s make this mission a movement. Let’s become ‘The Greenprint,’ ” they concluded.