Capri Holdings Embraces Earth Day with Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy  

A first for the global fashion luxury group.  

On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day Capri Holdings, parent company to Michael Kors, Versace, and Jimmy Choo, became a bellwether of fashion’s elusive environmental sector. The company’s first group-wide corporate social responsibility strategy came to print on April 22, unveiling a step-change in sustainability.  

The report is broken down into a triad of obligations, one to “our world,” to “our community,” and to “our philanthropy, each rooted in the good optics long forgone in fast fashion. To that end, Capri Holdings will establish emission reduction targets throughout its upstream operations by 2021, net-zero emissions, source 100% renewable energy and be 100% carbon neutral by 2025. We recognize that as our company grows, so do our responsibilities, and welcome the opportunity to do more,” said Capri Holdings chairman and chief executive officer John D. Idol. 

Likewise, the luxury group has committed to robust humanitarian initiatives with Idol’s pledge to the United Nations Global Compact, acknowledging to adopt its sustainable and socially responsible policies of human rights, labor, anti-corruption, and sustainability.  In the past, Capri Holdings has empowered initiatives across the board: the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, the Fashion Pact, the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion and the Open to All Pledge. We believe that sound environmental and social policies are both ethically correct and fiscally responsible,” said Idol. “To that end, we are committed to improving the way we work in order to better the world in which we live.”   

Discover more information about Capri Holdings corporate social responsibility here. 



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