Chanel, the renowned fashion house, has collaborated on one of this summer’s most anticipated films, Barbie. The movie stars and is produced by actress Margot Robbie, Oscar nominee and beloved Chanel ambassador, portraying the beloved global icon. With their latest collaboration, Chanel joined forces with the creative minds behind Barbie to bring to life several stunning costumes for Robbie’s character, as well as a ski suit for Ken’s character, embodied by actor Ryan Gosling.

Courtesy of Chanel

Five silhouettes were imagined by the house’s creative director Virginie Viard, along with heart-shaped quilted bags, and accessories such as shield-eyewear from the Coco Neige collection, holographic cuffs, costume jewelry, and hats from Maison Michel.

Chanel enlisted the renowned Oscar-winning costume designer, Jacqueline Durran, to curate a selection of outfits in delightful shades of pink from their exclusive Ready-to-Wear, Coco Beach, and Coco Neige collections, all envisioned by Viard. Among these selections, five captivating silhouettes were carefully chosen to beautifully showcase the Barbie character as she embarks on her journey throughout the film.

Courtesy of Chanel

These include three elegant suits, a chic ski suit, and a charming dress that truly capture the essence of Barbie’s character development in the movie.

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