Five Hollywood Celebs Renowned for their Flawless Skin, According to Stefanie Kogler

Celebrity skin goals.

Honestly, we have all been in awe of celebs and their flawless complexion. Most of us often wonder how they do it! Well, in addition to genetics and the so-called ‘Hollywood glow,’ many celebrities have a serious dedication to skincare. Entrepreneur Stefanie Kogler has been in the beauty business for quite some time. As she explores the skincare world, here’s her list of some of the best-looking celebrities with a flawless skin:

Kim Kardashian

Cream Olay submitted by Kim Kardashian West on his account Instagram | Spotern

So many people are taken by Kim Kardashian, and many of them envy her creamy skin complexion. Good skin is essential, especially when you’re a beauty entrepreneur like Kim, since your skin is the proof of your products’ effectiveness. Besides being a reality star, Kim is a businesswoman and pays attention to her skin. She has mentioned that she often receives laser treatments.


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Goddess of beauty, Rihanna is a beauty icon whose beautiful complexion has been an inspiration to many and the envy of several others. She’ll have a good time but always takes care of her flawless skin. Rihanna has admitted that when she feels her skin has been strained, she skips alcohol for water to strike a balance. She has mentioned several times that water is excellent for your skin, and you can never have enough of it.


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Queen Bey also credits good old H2O for good skin. She says that keeping your skin hydrated makes it richer and keeps away cellulite. Her skincare tips are worth trying as they’ve worked for her, and she has maintained her beautiful complexion throughout. 


Jennifer Lopez, Demi Lovato and other celebs that look great without makeup - Photo 1

Her skin is not just flawless but also timeless. Jennifer Lopez gives young people a run for their money with her luminescent skin that glows and always looks more youthful. Her secret, like many other celebrities, is moisturizing your skin and staying hydrated. A healthy diet is highly recommended, as well.

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde Skincare Routine and Beauty Secrets - The Skincare Edit

We could point to her genes, but Olivia has said that her secret is hydrating and self-care. Beauty sleep, eating right, and hydration are her three tips for great skin. She doesn’t rely on any particular product to keep her skin flawless; she relies on overall self-care.

As the gorgeous stars recommend staying hydrated and taking care of yourself, it seems achieving a beautiful complexion is not so hard after all. Stefanie Kogler feels that most people are set back by a lack of commitment as they overindulge in unhealthy habits for their skin.


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