Well, it’s about that time. You know–when life as you know it is flipped completely upside down. But before you grab the crystals, a fresh pack of incense, and your emotional support journal, just know that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Launching on April 20th at 12:12 AM EST, Eclipse season initiates with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries- an astrological double whammy.

Officially commencing the Aries-Libra Eclipse cycle, this energetic moon phase is nothing to fear, but also nothing to brush under the rug. With the New Moon providing a fresh start and the Solar Eclipse shaking things up, tonight’s astrological shift will be big. Keep reading for all the deets, and more importantly how to deal.   

What’s a New Moon?

Before you can understand the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, let’s break this down bit by bit. In the literal sense, a New Moon occurs when the moon and the sun position themselves at the same degree, forming what’s called a conjunction: the alignment of two planets.

The 28-day lunar cycle always commences with this small but mighty planet positioning (AKA the New Moon),  providing a clean slate, fresh start, and the tools to make your dreams come true over the next four weeks. Throughout this time, with the right steps, you can expect to see great change in whatever you choose to give intention to. By the end of the 28-day cycle, you would have experienced expansion, release, and eventually evolution. 

What’s an Eclipse?

While New Moons usually signal fresh starts, this one’s a bit more complicated. Though we’ve established that New Moons bring about a cycle of change, adding an Eclipse to the equation intensifies this imminent shift by, well, a lot. 

During an Eclipse, the moon obstructs the view of the sun. In astrology, the sun represents the mask with which we move through the world, while the moon depicts the core of who we are- our authentic selves. 

While Eclipses are notably brief, they have big repercussions. Not only do Eclipses symbolize permanent change, but also life-changing events- think new additions to the family, trans-continental moves, or a loss. But these crazy important changes aren’t limited to the personal self. Oftentimes, it means global change- think a pandemic. 

How do these two phenomena work together?

This isn’t just any eclipse, it marks the beginning of the Aries-Libra Eclipse cycle. As the cardinal fire sign of assertiveness, confidence, and war, Aries is one of- if not the most- dominant signs in astrology. While this sign, like any, has its cons, Aries invites us to stand up for ourselves, block out the haters, and speak our truth during this time. Meanwhile, Libra is the cardinal air sign of balance, harmony, and justice. Unlike Aries, Libra encourages us to wave the white flag and find a solution to weighty conflicts. 

This Eclipse occurs right as Jupiter begins to transition out of Aries a-once-every-10-years occurrence in which the world begins to change before our very eyes. We can see this in today’s youth movements, reality-altering legislature, and increased creative innovation. At a time with heightened political unrest around the world, the Aries-Libra Eclipse cycle is both a time of action and reclamation. 

This push and pull of ideological differences is sure to be felt within the self. The moon’s physical overpowering of the sun will bring dark secrets to light, as well as prompt us to reconnect with our shadow selves. Acting as the beginning of a massive energetic shift that will be felt in every aspect of public and private life, this New Moon Solar Eclipse will show us what is truly worth fighting for, and what is no longer worth our energy.

What now?

Now that you know the ins and outs of this important astrological moment, it’s time for next steps. Let’s start with the to-don’ts. Whatever you do, don’t take this New Moon Solar Eclipse as a time for manifestation. This is not the time to be calling in anything new, but rather a chance to purge what feels inauthentic to you.

As the leader of the zodiacs, Aries is the beginning of the entire astrological cycle. Feel the energy of this powerful sign going “dark.” As light seeps back in, notice what you’d rather not see again. Utilize journaling as a tool not only for self-reflection, but also to weed out what no longer resonates with you. Whether it be relationships, friendships, family, or even career paths, notice what brings you dis-ease, and plan the steps to move away from it. You can grab that emotional support journal now.

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