Conan Gray Describes the Summer of His Dreams
The singer spills on his love for Taylor Swift and slushies.
This article appears in the pages of V125: Supermodel Summer, available to pre-order now at
V MAGAZINE What’s your favorite song-of-the-summer?
CONAN GRAY ‘Style’ by Taylor Swift
V Tell us about one of your most memorable summers.
CG Honestly, I hate summer. It’s so boring. The only good thing about summer is spending time with friends, and that’s always memorable. I grew up in Texas, so it was always too hot to go outside.
V What is your go-to summer beverage?
CG Lemon Berry Slush from Sonic
V How do you adapt to the warmer weather? What are you looking forward to most this summer?
CG I adapt by spending all of my summers indoors writing songs, and then driving around with friends at night. This summer, I’m looking forward to touring the world and releasing some bops!
V Can you tell us about your creative process when producing music these days?
CG I’m writing a ton! I never really stop writing, usually write a song or two a day. Although, I think everyone can agree that the quarantine isn’t the most exceptionally inspiring thing, so it’s been interesting trying to come up with things to write about when all we do all day is sit in our houses. It’s for the better, we gotta take care of each other!
V Is there a certain song or artist you’ve been listening to more, and/or “reconnected” with, over the course of self-quarantining measures?
CG I’ve reconnected with a ton of my favorite albums over the quarantine. Normally I never really have time to sit and listen to an album all the way through like I used to, but it’s been so fun to do that lately. Revisited “X” by Ed Sheeran (I already knew, it’s a masterpiece).
V Have you been feeling inspired during this time? Have you been tailoring your music a certain way? How so?
CG To be fully honest, not the most inspired. I think it’s important to keep in mind in this time that this is a completely new thing none of us have ever dealt with, so it’s okay to be uninspired and confused! I find myself experimenting a lot more with songwriting at this time, and not really caring whether something is socially relevant, mostly because I have the time to mess around a bit.
V What role do you think music can play during a crisis such as this?
CG Music is what I’m finding the most comfort in right now; that and face-timing my friends. Having a distraction, an outlet, somebody to listen to. It’s human. It’s necessary.