Kendall Jenner Joins the Beauty Game with Teeth Whitener
Supermodel Kendall Jenner is taking after her sisters, with her latest toothsome and healthy venture sitting at the intersection of beauty and wellness.
Kendall Jenner, the reality TV starlet who the world witnessed become one of today’s top supermodels, has now partnered with up-and-coming bespoke oral healthcare company, Moon. One could argue that she piggybacked off of her fellow sisters foray into the health and wellness world.
Take Kourtney Kardashian: the Whole Foods Market regular who publicly swears off gluten, imbibes green juice, and attended self-improvement therapy well before the BoPo movement. Or Khloe, who created a body-inclusive denim company – Good American – and a transformative diet and workout approach with Revenge Body after achieving success with her own fitness goals. And then there is Kim who is studying for bar and trumpeting social justice in her own approach to mental health.
But Kendall was always a nature girl. She rode horses, begged for a puppy for Christmas, and constantly swore off time with the Kardashian clan in favor of her Jenner side- the outdoorsy athletic tribe. She spoke openly about her battle with acne as well. She came clean about her use of ProActiv.
Now, Kendall is coming clean again – this time with regard to dental care. The California-based company she has paired with is called Moon. The packaged goods are sleek eye candy – the kind that doesn’t cause cavities. Moon will be exclusively sold at Ulta in May. The company describes MOON as a symbol for “going after something ambitious, something groundbreaking – uncharted territory.”
According to Jenner, oral health is actually a form of beauty. That’s her angle when lending her name over to a single Moon product: the whitening pen. It’s priced at $19.99. The founder, Shaun Neff, also says that, “Taking care of your teeth shouldn’t just be something you have to do, but something you want to do;” One that makes for an oral beauty experience.
Kendall first made her partnership with Moon known April 23 on her Instagram with a black and white photo of her in a bathroom wearing an-off the shoulder relaxed knit top that revealed a dark bodysuit underneath. Her hair was atop her head in an effortlessly chic messy high bun. She had her mouth open in toothy grit, mid-brushing with a Moon toothbrush. The caption: “Excited to launch @Moon.” Two days after she releases a black and white 4-photo montage making funny faces and using her namesake pen. Upon navigating to the company’s Instagram, one is greeted with the hashtag, #ElevateYourRoutine and the latest post, “The night sky, now in toothpaste form,” was the equivalent to a Pantone-color swatch or a sparkly black nail polish.
The 6.09 fl. Oz. ‘Kendall’ Moon Teeth Whitening Pen is a slim black tube with a screw on-off cap that looks all too similar to a tampon. In a promotional video, however, Jenner makes it clear that, “One of the cool things about Moon is that you’re not afraid to have it out. It’s like: ask me about it,” Kendall gushed.
Kendall’s pen comes in the flavor is Vanilla Mint. It consists of lavender oil to soothe and stimulate antibacterial properties, strawberry extract for whitening, and honeysuckle flower extract to restore, calm, and cool. Despite this all-natural formula, the product may also cause sensitivity, for which Moon gives a 14-day time lapse before assessing an actual sensitivity to the product, suggesting that those with previous sensitivity experiences consult with their dentist prior to use.
Every Moon product is focused on whitening – clearly beauty trumps oral health for this Instagram-aesthetic company. Despite this marketability, there are activated charcoal fluoride-free whitening and stain removing toothpastes, both priced at $8.99 in Lemon and Lunar Peppermint- whatever that astrological name means – respectively. There is also a two-pack “ultra-fine” aka soft bristle toothbrush set for $6.99. Clearly, the description capitalized on luxury and perks of being an outlier. All the products are 100% vegan.
“Thoughtful Design. Beautiful Results,” is the name of the game for Moon. In addition to the traditional floss, a rollout “Graphite Gray waxes clean slide floss,” there is a 90-pack of handheld flossers, both in Mint.
You can elevate your routine when ordering online and not only be an Instagram queen and a green beauty insider, but also a bespoke Trailblazer – or guinea pig – before Moon hits stores.