Louis Vuitton Helps You Celebrates Mother’s Day in Isolation

Send bespoke e-cards with #WELVMOMS.

With Mother’s Day quickly approaching and no viable end to isolation in sight, the holiday goings may be relegated to zoom calls and home cooking until further notice. But, especially in these off-piste times it’s never been more important to celebrate loved ones and connect with one another, virtual or otherwise. To that end, Louis Vuitton has curated its first ever e-card to salve the plight of social distancing on the special day.

Today, the French house presented its #WELVMOM campaign, replete with LV themed patches, animated gifs and an insert for personalized sentiments. Endow your e-card with virtual Petite Malle handbags, LV’s iconic mascot Vivienne, or a series of historic monogrammed trunks, it’s a complementary service with no purchase required, so more is in fact more. A final preview of the card is presented before immediately sending it off to your loved ones, so distance, time, and even quarantine hold no stake in fêting mom this year.

Your bespoke creations are sure to stand without peer as LV’s “Art of Travel” seamlessly translates to the digital sphere. Click here to create your own!

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