Mercury is Retrograde in Aquarius: What it Means For You

How to survive the planet’s backward spin.

If you’ve been feeling in a rut with your work, miscommunicating with friends and facing tech glitches galore lately, there’s good news: it’s not just you. There’s a cosmic explanation. Mercury has officially entered retrograde in Aquarius.

Mercury in retrograde happens three to four times per year so by now you’ve probably heard a New Agey friend blame their troubles on the planet’s backwards spin. But what does this astrological event really mean? Well, according to astrologers, your life may seem to turn upside down. 

“When mercury retrogrades, it scrambles information, causes static and confusion,” expert astrologer Susan Miller explains. “Mercury retrograde episodes are highly unreliable to sign contracts, complete important transactions, access accurate information or make big decisions.”

We can’t just put our lives on pause. Luckily there are ways to safely navigate these next three weeks. The best way? Tap into the idealistic spirit of Aquarius. An air sign, Aquarians are known to be progressive, humaritarian, uber friendly and all things quirky. Focus on building community, wrapping up projects already in progress and most of all, be super careful with communication! Mercury is the planetary ruler of communication and thought, the mythological messenger of the Gods – it’s easy for conversation to go awry during this period. Before you press send, read and re-read every text and e-mail.

Beware! Old flings may suddenly come out of the woodwork. Requests to grab coffee or rekindle an old flame are sure to pop up but trust us, now is not the ideal time to start a relationship. 

There is an end in sight to all of this topsy-turvy. February 20. Phew! So buckle up: the next weeks are sure to be full of twists and turns but you got this!

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