Van Os talks about politics, pandemic and the future.
Julia Van Os
IMG Models
Astrological Sign

What are your goals for 2020?
My goals for 2020 are to meditate more, live healthily and be happy.
What’s something that people would be surprised to know about you?
I am a great guitar player.
If you had to pick a favorite meal what would it be?
Lobster roll and fries
What is your stance on the current state of affairs in the US regarding the BLM movement, protests, and police brutality?
It is horrible the state that this country is still in 2020. Unfortunately, it’s not just an issue in the US, it’s global. And it needs to stop. I’ve been going between anger and sadness watching the news these days. But feeling the energy at these protests, the fact that so many people of all colours are showing up, also gives me hope. Racism has been going on for hundreds of years in this country, but now people are filming incidents on their phones and it’s finally getting the attention in the media it deserves, which gives me hope that now we are better equipped than ever to end racism and police brutality.
Are you taking part in the movement? If so, how?
I was out in LA when it started so I was partaking in the protests there. I think it’s great that people are sharing and showing solidarity on social media but it’s also important to go past that, to go out and use your voice. I’m educating myself more on racism in America and its roots too. I think if everybody knew how this racial divide started and really understood the issues at hand, it would be easier to make judgements and come to solutions together. Knowledge, being aware of the country’s history with racism, is now more important than ever. I think it should start with children being educated on the topic in school. The more we talk about it, the better.
How did the onset of this year’s public health crisis change your outlook on life and/or work?
I think it really put into focus who and what is important for me. Most of the time we are busy doing so many things, especially in a city like New York. We’re constantly distracted. When you take everything away, it really gives you the time and space to think about what you need and what you don’t, you go back to basics. Suddenly you realize the people you want to check in on. For me it’s my family and some close friends I can count on one hand. Being isolated has been hard at times, but also very insightful. I think I’ve come out of it more content, and more appreciative of the little things in life.
What have you been reading or watching while in quarantine?
There’s a fine line between staying informed and adding to your own stress. I read the news in the morning so I know what’s going on, but then I try to limit myself the rest of the day. I try to limit social media as well and call people personally instead. I think it’s healthier. When I watch TV, I usually try to seek out a good documentary or movie.
What have you learned (or what do you think people can learn) while in solitude/practicing social distance?
To go easy on yourself. I feel like a lot of the people I’ve spoken to have felt pressure to utilize this time ‘off’ to do something productive, finally write a book, learn a new language, start painting, etc. Then when they don’t manage to do all these things it only adds to the anxiety. We all need to realise these are stressful times and if you get nothing done in quarantine, that’s totally okay too. Just getting through it is enough.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do after coming out of quarantine?
Dressing up and going out for dinner!