Nigerian model speaks on her time in quarantine.
Eniola Abioro
What are your goals for 2020?
I’m looking forward to something bigger than myself, inner peace, and tranquility. As well as building myself in every aspect — financially and career-wise.
If you had to pick a favorite meal what would it be?
Custard and milk!
How did the onset of this year’s public health crisis change your outlook on life and/or work?
First, it made me value my relationship with Jehovah/God and appreciate the earth and life itself. It made me value our essential workers, value life and its gifts even more and gave me insights on health issues that I would not have bothered to know. I started doing more research and enlightening myself.
The public health climate has shaped many peoples’ reading/viewing habits—What are some reading or viewing material you’ve sought out in this time?
I have had some books and a course I had been postponing reading and applying for with the excuse that I couldn’t get myself to concentrate on anything outside family and work. I finally got to read some of the books (Purple Hibiscus) and took the course.
What have you learned (or what do you think people can learn) while in solitude/practicing social distance?
I have learned first hand what the phrase “Health is wealth” really means and I am sure a lot of people have paused and put their health and family and friends first before pursuing and drowning in busy schedules.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do after coming out of quarantine?
I would like to take a little more time off, this time not forced by nature or anyone but to teach myself how to press the pause and reset button.