New Instagram feature hopes to tackle abusive direct messages
And stops users you’ve already blocked from messaging you on a different account

The frequented social media app continues in it’s efforts to combat abuse and hate. On Wednesday, Instagram announced a new feature. This tool will apply to direct message requests, automatically filtering out the abusive from followers as well as block DM requests from others you don’t know if they contain offensive works, phrases or emojis.
It can be activated in a new section of Privacy Settings called Hidden Words, where users can turn both comment and DM request filters on and off. The company said they consulted leading anti-discrimination and anti-bullying organizations to develop the predefined list offensive terms that will filtered when the feature is turned on. “We know different words can be hurtful to different people, so you’ll also have the option to create your own custom list of words, phrases or emojis that you don’t want to see in your DM requests, ” shared Instagram in their announcement.
At their own behest, users have the option to accept the abusive message request, delete it, or report it, which be sorted into a separate and hidden requests folder, if or when opened, the text will be covered so you’re not confronted with offensive language, unless you tap to uncover it. Along with the filter, Instagram is working towards inhibiting people blocked by users to bypass and contact them through new accounts.
Roll out for this feature is set to kick off across several countries in the coming weeks and will expand to more countries over the next few months.
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