Remi Wolf Wants You To Party…
Post-pandemic, of course. The 24-year-old sits down with V to talk about her songwriting process, quarantine and what’s next.

There comes a time in every musician’s life when life suddenly fills with purpose and they see no other way forward, but to make music. For Remi Wolf, this time came freshman year when she and her best friend and bandmate Chloe Day Zilliac performed at a local art fair. “Very Simon and Garfunkel, but a lot worse,” the 24-year-old DIY pop star laughs from her L.A. home, as her adorable French bulldog Juno Jameson takes a nap on her lap. Despite being allergic, Remi adopted Juno at the beginning of quarantine. Her 2020 album, I’m Allergic to Dogs! pokes fun at this hypersensitivity in a record where her emotions ooze through her songs in an idiosyncratic blend of pop, funk, and soul that creates a beautiful, almost hallucinogenic sonic kaleidoscope.

“I very rarely go in with a concept,” she says of her music process. “It’s all very improvisational, very jam band. The best and quickest idea normally wins.” Whether she’s coating “Woo” with syrupy, sugar-pop melodies, referencing past relationships in “Hello Hello Hello,” or tripping out her vocals with the Little AlterBoy plugin on “Photo ID,” Remi takes us on a joyride to the outer realms of music. Remi started messing around with format shifting her voice in her first EP, You’re A Dog! “I get bored and annoyed with my normal vocal tone,” she says. “Guitar players get to mess with their guitars with pedals, so why can’t I do the same thing?”

Featuring funk links, dog barks, and babbling babies, her unconstrained music makes even the most recluse yearn for carefree post-lockdown partying. “I want people to listen to my music to feel f*cking good,” Remi smiles. “For people to just feel like they can let loose, be themselves, and be free.” Until that time comes, Remi has been making her fans comfortable at home, chatting with fans over DMs, creating hilarious TikToks, and of course, making new music. This spring Remi will be releasing a remix package. “Expect the same but different,” she says coyly. If one thing’s certain: the one party in town you don’t want to miss is Remi Wolf’s.
Listen to Remi Wolf’s latest single “Photo ID”, below:
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