Sarah Bahbah’s ‘Splash’ Print will donate 100% of the proceeds In Support of BLM

Artist Sarah Bahbah is making her art into a form of action.

Sarah Bahbah is known for empowering her audiences to embrace self-love in its many forms. Thus this responsibility encourages her to be candid about her own experiences and mental health. As a form of her own self-love, the Palestina-Australian artist informed us that she would be taking a break from Instagram to step back from the triggers of social media weeks ago.

Having since returned to her platform after a 2-month hiatus, Sarah has made her intentions clear.

I deactivated and left Instagram two months ago to take a break for my mental health. I need to be clear, I’m not back to resume my usual posting, there will be a time for that but it is not now,” she wrote on Instagram. The artist continued, “I’m returning solely to use my platform and voice to provide necessary action steps we all need to take in order to become effective allies for our black community members and use our voice and privilege to advocate for REAL change.”

In the midst of the unjust killing of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and many more, BahBah is using her voice to educate and further amplify the Black voice. As a non-Black person of color, she calls out to her followers to refrain from sharing their adversities and oppressions, as this is a time to listen to the Black community express themselves. Taking the time to reevaluate how she could contribute to the Black Lives Matter movement, Sarah BahBah announced last night how her art would be put towards that action.


100% of the proceeds made from her new signed and numbered limited edition, Splash will be donated amongst the following organizations: @nowhitesaviors@tgijustice, and @thelovelandfoundation. From a minimum donation of $50 and a maximum of whatever you can, the consciously chosen piece has a significant meaning. As we are all making the transition into summer, she hopes it will not distract people from diving into the “work even when things quiet down on social media” and that they will “continue to make a positive splash in any way possible by taking action.” Eloquently said. With over 600 donations in counting, visit Sarah BahBah’s Shopify to grab your limited edition of Splash.

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