Simone Rocha’s Spring Summer 2024 show marked a continuation of the brand’s feminine legacy. Held at the English National Ballet HQ, the show boasted a series of romantic looks in soft hues and sheer fabrics. But one feature didn’t quite fit the scene: Crocs.

In an age of fashion collaborations, from Nike and Tiffany & Co. to Zegna and The Elder Statesman, it seems that the more unexpected the collaboration, the better. And Simone Rocha x Crocs is just that.

Beyond their off-kilter aesthetics, what unites the hyper-romantic luxury label and the cult favourite shoe brand is their eagerness to fuel disruptive moments that create dialogue with their consumer, furthering the brand-to-customer relationship.

With three styles of Crocs, adorned in pearls, crystals, and jet beading, along with some featuring inbuilt socks, the collection merges modern fanfare with soft details, creating a unique pairing.

The collaboration with CROCS was unveiled at Simone Rocha’s SS24 show during London Fashion Week and will drop in Simone Rocha and online, as well as select Crocs locations and online, in Spring 2024

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