Soko Releases “Oh, To Be a Rainbow”
Your next Pride month anthem.
Rest assured, this month comes entirely filtered through a poly-chromatic lens. In other words, it’s Pride month for a few more days, though the sentiment lasts year round. In the spirit of Pride, French singer/songwriter SOKO has recently released ‘Oh, To Be a Rainbow’ from her upcoming project Feel Feelings.
“This is my gay anthem!” she exclaimed. “Let it be known! It’s about turning all of my very straight girlfriends not so straight anymore! And about not wanting to be saved through a relationship but really wanting someone equal.”
The music video certainly seems to do so: SOKO sings amidst what looks like a psychedelic Windows XP background, looking quite ethereal while doing so. And she already knows that—SOKO describes herself as a “French Rainbow Goth Happy Sad Alien”, an intoxicating, otherworldly experience.
The experience is just one of many sure to come on Feel Feelings, set to be released July 10th. The release was pushed back as SOKO noted it was “inappropriate to spend my energy on self promotion” during an ongoing period of anti-Blackness. As she remains committed to justice in all forms, it becomes impossible to discern Pride from its Black, queer origins.
In the meantime, we’ll be sure to watch the vibrant video on repeat: