Super Blood Moon: What Does it Mean For You?
The Full Moon on May 26 was extraordinary, and the energy is too potent to ignore

The lunar eclipse happened at 1:45 a.m. – 6:00 a.m., PDT was spectacular: This rare Super Blood Moon hung on the sky, projecting red glow. And this Super Blood Moon was a Full Moon. While the New Moon represents a new cycle, energy that inspires you to listen to your feelings, the Full Moon indicates cleansing, secret revealing, and discarding what no longer serves you.
A moon eclipse always signifies change, and this super moon, the closest to earth in 2021, even makes the changes and influences more prominent. As the Super Blood Moon falls in Sagittarius, a sign that is fond of spontaneity, freedom but dislikes commitment, you may be startled by random flighty thoughts – Don’t worry, it’s normal and justified. Whether you want to spend all your savings on a new bag or quit your job, you can think about it without executing it.
On the other hand, during this period, embrace the energy of mutation. Sagittarius loves new, exciting ideas. Take advantage of it – under this full moon energy, people around you may be more accepting if you’re going to take a long break for a road trip. It is also a time to discover your personal truth. If you are stuck in a toxic relationship for too long, you may soon realize: It’s time to get out of it.
How to welcome and prepare for this Full Moon energy? We’ve prepared you some tips:
Do Not Charge Your Crystals
In common sense, we should put out crystals under such powerful energy. However, according to Emma Vidgen, an astrologer and meditation expert, the energy under this eclipse is considered too unpredictable so it’s better to take a load off. It is also not a good time to do ritual work. Let the moon take the lead instead of bossing it around.
Relax! Be Patient and Trust Your Gut
Use this super moon energy as a chance to take a step back and reflect on past ideas, life routines, old people, etc. Now, you can adjust your life to best fit your goals and expectations. Figure out if they’re worth your time and efforts. If not, instead of rationalizing, you should go ahead and sever the old bonds.
Call-Out to Earth Signs, Leos and Libras – Now It’s Time to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
This Full Moon brings changes. But for Earth signs, including Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, who cling to order and processes, such energy tends to be disheartening. It is the same for Leos and Libras – they have an inclination to their own beliefs and comfort zones. But don’t be anxious. Feel the energy, try to embrace the changes, and, most importantly, chill.
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