Today’s New Moon in Sagittarius Is Encouraging You To Be Delusional
Dream big and allow yourself to be moved.

Symbol: Centaur
Ruling Planet and House: Jupiter, 9th House of Karma and Morality
Element: Fire
Mode: Mutable
Associated Word: “Idealize”
Moon Stones For Sagittarius New Moon: Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Amethyst, Amazonite
Today, November 23rd (at 5:57 pm EST), the moon and sun will conjunct in Sagittarius, initiating a new moon. For this moon phase, we welcome the planting of a new seed or, in other words, “shooting your shot.” Right in time for Thanksgiving and corresponding with the Winter Solstice, the world is ours to leave a mark on. With the sun and moon rightfully occupying the sign of Sagittarius, a thirst for knowledge, conquest, and adventure become apparent.
Have you ever wondered why things just “work out” for your Sagittarius friends? Why is that? First, Sagittarians are known for being wildly optimistic, positive thinkers, and constantly on a quest for freedom from restriction. Curious and understanding, they typically have a solid moral nature and gravitate more towards extreme risk-taking than any other sign. Not to mention, Jupiter (the planet of luck) rules over Sagittarius in the 9th house prompting unanticipated and unconventional bounds of fortune.
For this new moon, extreme notions of luck, delusion, and hope are welcomed in ways that previously were not as accessible. For today, nothing is too big or wild to manifest. In addition to the moon and sign being in Sagittarius, today’s cosmic chart has Mercury (communication) and Venus (love) in Sag as well, forming a stellium. So basically, everything is supporting you today. So put aside your fear and welcome a season of opportunity, a chance to take the first leap to attract your highest desires and manifestations.
Note: You do not need to have a planet in Sagittarius to manifest with this new moon. Locate the house Sag rules over and use it to your advantage. For example if it rules over your 2nd house, manifesting abundant finances might serve in your best interest.
How Should I Manifest?
Make A Pinterest/Mood Board
Try The 3x6x9 Method
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