Prior to the release of most major films comes a global press tour, where your favorite stars travel the world and strike poses at premieres. For rising actor Andrew Barth Feldman, who starred alongside Jennifer Lawrence in the new film No Hard Feelings, this was a new experience. But while he may act as unprepared as anybody, Feldman’s latest role is only one of the many projects in the works—and he’s been thriving. His upcoming album, Penn Station, is set to release on July 14th—the second single from the album, “The College Breakup,” is out now. You can also watch his version of Hall and Oates’ “Maneater,” which he plays live in the film, and has arranged this version himself.
While Feldman fulfilled his press tour duties, the actor invited VMAN to follow along to have some fun as he traversed and championed his first movie tour, all while donning outfits ranging from Bode and Hermes and even a EuroDisney t-shirt his brother got him.
Discover the full press-tour diary below!

“As soon as I woke up in London I felt oddly compelled to go to Madame Tussaud’s, So Jen and I met up there
(also did you know they have a RIDE at this one? dreams).”

“Seeing your face on a double-decker bus just like out in the wild is just about as crazy as it gets!!!!!!”

“I am Grizabella the Glamour Cat.”

“All the press in London was games. 10/10.”

“My very first ever premiere ever. So many people yelling at you telling you to look different places. Where do you look! I did not yet know.”

“And then we took a ~private jet~ immediately to Paris. Yes I am quietly losing my mind in this photo, yes I am wearing a EuroDisney t-shirt my brother got me.”

“They have the Eiffel Tower there. And a peacock at the hotel, cool.”

“Now Madrid where I wore this SPECTACULAR shirt from Bode.”

“Berlin! Brian Meller is a genius and I stand at windows (Hermes suit! On my body!)”

“Our last night in Berlin, we all went to Jen’s room to play piano, sing, and cry. This was a magical, significant experience. Thank goodness I got all these pics to remember it. Wowie wow I am the luckiest boy.“
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