V Premiere: EDEN's love death distraction
Hear the track and watch the video inspired by our collective obsession with social media.
The influence of social media can be seen, felt, and heard in so many ways. Whether the plot of a thrilling Netflix how (looking at you, Black Mirror) or informing the grandiose setup of a new luxury pop-up or fashion show, the phenomenon has become a bona fide muse for creatives.
The latest example of this is Irish musician Jonathon Ng, aka EDEN, who just released a brooding new track “love, death, distraction,” the highly anticipated follow up to his recent single “projector.”
The track is a hauntingly beautiful slow jam that doubles as a reflection of our relationship with our phones, brought to life by the strums of a guitar and Ng’s euphonious ennui. It’s the kind of song you’d play when staring out your window from the backseat of an Uber, watching your surrounding melt away while contemplating life—it’s the kind of song that packs a melancholic punch while simultaneously bringing on a sense of warm and fuzzy.
“If you’re on Instagram and you see someone doing something amazing and you’re jealous, you can just put down your phone and go do something amazing too,” says the Dublin-bred artist.
“But most of the time we just keep scrolling—it’s so easy to forget that we have that choice, and so we end up feeling stuck by things that actually aren’t sticky. And on the other side of that, this constant exposure to so many possibilities can make it hard to settle, and then we keep throwing things away in search of something better.”
Along with the song’s release comes an accompanying music video—set against a picturesque landscape that will kick your wanderlust into overdrive. Ng worked directly on bringing his vision to life, in collaboration with directing duo Zhang + Knight. A vintage-looking plane is the star of the cinematic vid.
“Giving emotionality to an inanimate object isn’t easy,” note Zhang + Knight. “We went with the concept of a plane that really wants to fly but can’t fly, which seems to capture the melancholy and weird emotional space of the song.”
As with everything he creates, EDEN’s thoughtful and methodical approach can be both seen and felt. His knack for succeeding at it I what all great artists should aspire to.
Watch now, below.
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