V125 NEXT GEN: Mica Aragañaraz
“My ideal summer involves laying by the sun with my friends, a backgammon board, music, good food, and more music.” -Mica Aragañaraz
A new generation of supermodels is here. They’re on the world’s runways, magazine covers, music videos and iPhone screens. They are everywhere in our connected world. As summer rolls in, they prepare for some well-deserved rest and relaxation—even in the face of COVID-19.
Ranked as an ‘Industry Icon,’ V125 cover star Mica Argañaraz is the fashion industry it-girl. Since Mica’s runway debut, her alluring and effortless looks have landed her the best-of-the-best booking, including being photographed by Inez and Vinoodh and styled by George Cortina. The Argentinan model is an artist—when she isn’t busy being Prada, YSL, and Calvin Klien’s muse. V spoke with Ms. Argañaraz about how she is using her sewing skills to help in the COVID-19 efforts, her hopes for this year, and what she’s learned while practicing social distancing.
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Read the full interview, below.

V Where are you from?
V How would you describe the summer of your dreams?
MA Laying by the sun. Somewhere warm. My friends. A backgammon board. Music. Good food. More music.
V What is the ultimate summer song?
MA Slow Hot Wind – Sergio Mendes.
V Where are you aching to travel to this summer? Why?
MA Somewhere in South America. But I’m a last-minute planner so we’ll see.
V What is on your summer reading list?
MA Ulysses by James Joyce
V What is your favorite summer memory?
MA Being in Ibiza with all my siblings and my nephew while making breakfast for them.
V How would you describe the current wave of models/generation?
MA Fresh.
V How do you feel in front of the camera?
MA [Like I am] Inside of a crystal bubble
V What do you hope for this year?
MA More consciousness.
V What have you learned (or what do you think people can learn) while in solitude / practicing social distance?
MA I think this showed us that the world will keep turning with or without us. Only solidarity, empathy and responsibility coming from each of us, are things can help us get out of this situation.
V Many people are reevaluating travel plans… If you were to be in one place for most of the summer, where would that be?
MA In Argentina with my family
V The public health climate has shaped many peoples’ reading/viewing habits—what are some reading or viewing material you’ve sought out in this time?
MA I reviewed many of the art books I have at my place. They are like treasures for me
V How have you “given back” in light of the public health climate?
MA I’m in Paris at the moment, I started sewing medical face masks for a group of friends that is helping deliver food to hospitals in the city. I make donations to associations around the world helping the most affected sectors