Watch Cardi B Chat With Bernie Sanders on Livestream
The two talked everything from nail care to health care and the importance of young voters.

While Bernie Sanders’ supporters have voiced their upset on social media in response to the ending of his 2020 presidential campaign, the Vermont senator continues his cool-factor as he joined Cardi B on Instagram Live last night. The two talked everything from nail care to health care and the importance of young voters. Ultimately, the energetic conversation will put a smile on your face.
The conversation settled into the topic of Joe Biden for a while, as Cardi asked Sanders to explain why he’s endorsing him for president. Sanders acknowledged Biden’s more conservative leaning views, and vowed to work with him to get things like adjusting minimum wage, cancelling student debt, and criminal justice reform accomplished.
Cardi got emotional talking about Trump and his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, saying that she disagrees with the way capitalism and the economy is being put before American’s health. Sanders agreed, emphasizing that more needs to be done for those who’ve been laid off.
Despite the heavier things that the two talked about, there was a handful of happy moments, like when Cardi called Sanders “Uncle Bernie.” Watch the unlikely pair’s conversation in the video below.
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