Watch Cardi B Perform “Bad Romance” at 16 Years Old

Cardi shares an homage to Gaga in a theatrical high school performance of “Bad Romance”.

Among the slew of 10-year-challenges flooding our feeds, we discover true treasure by way of Grammy nominee Cardi B. The rapper’s Instagram is really, truly, a gift that keeps on giving. The platform has served as a launching pad for the artist whose enormous personality has found a home online. Cardi has used the social media app from the start, in hilarious rant videos, reads on other artists, outfit flexes and beyond. This time, however, she takes to the gram to release a high school video of herself performing Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” from 10 years ago.

A tender Cardi at age 16 appears as theatrical as ever in the performance, flexing her acting chops. Do we see a career trajectory similar to that of Gaga’s onto the big screen? Too early to tell? In any case, Gaga would be proud. In fact, she is. The recent Golden Globe and Critic’s Choice Award-winner tweeted the video when it first surfaced in April, before Cardi had even dug it back up. How about a collaboration, ladies!?

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