Relive the GucciFest Finale with V
We’re already prepared for their next festival.
If you weren’t privy to Gucci’s first-ever virtual film festival that took place last week, simply titled GucciFest, you’ll definitely want to catch up on all the adventures each installment took us on. With one primary Gucci film released every day for a week, and a couple others released highlighting the work on independent designers, GucciFest followed the daily experiences of model Sylvia Calderoni in a Gucci-clad world. Including special appearances from Harry Styles, Billie Eilish, Lu Han, and more, you know you don’t want to miss out, so check out V’s thoughts of Day 3 and 4 and Day 5 or read ahead to our Day 6 and 7 recap.
Continuing the Ouverture of Something That Never Ended series, Episode 6, “At the Vintage Shop” takes us to a vintage Gucci store, in other words a fashion lover’s dream, with singer-songwriter Florence Welch making her GucciFest debut. The store is filled with pieces from Creative Director Alessandro Michele’s previous collections, which the ever-so stylish customers try on as Florence slips little notes into their bags and pockets, including our star Sylvia’s. The playful note reads simply: “Honey in the streets.”
As GucciFest gives us an enchanting story of Sylvia Calderoni’s beautifully shot and styled world, we also get to enjoy the immense creativity of emerging designers, so take the time to enter their carefully crafted worlds as well. Day 6 of GucciFest saw the short films “Lord Sky Dungeon” by designer Boramy Viguier, as well as the debut of designer Yuequi Qi’s “Taro Buddha.” For the final day of GucciFest, Day 7, we see “The Maul” by Gareth Wrighton and “Repugnantam” by Charles de Vilmorin. You’ll certainly want to remember the names of these talents.
For the final installation of the main film, “A Nightly Walk” takes us through Sylvia’s nighttime adventure, in which we encounter the series’ director Gus Van Sant, musician Lu Han, and the meaning of the mysterious flyer Sylvia sees everywhere is revealed.
We find out that the text consists of lyrics from Tuxedomoon’s 1985 song, “In a Manner of Speaking,” a rather poetic verse that reads “In a manner of speaking/ I just want to say/ That I could never forget the way/ You told me everything/ By saying nothing.” The meaning of these lyrics in relation to the film is left open to interpretation, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer as we all ponder our thoughts on the meaning of the film and its key elements.
Beyond the eye-catching looks and star-studded episodes, Sylvia’s story is something we’ll be thinking of for a long time. Her whimsical experiences have captivated us and the deeper meanings within each episode make us think, the finale of the Ouverture of Something That Never Ended leaves us questioning everything we saw through the entire mini-series.
Watch the final episodes of Alessandro Michele’s GucciFest below, and revisit the GucciFest experience here.